67 Long neck tenon. Corners of tenon not always cut sharp, sometimes
rounded on sander. Lots of red left in cavity. Bit scars bottom
route. Bit size per operation are absolutes and marks left confirm
history. 68 Side dots are tortoise. Can look black until close inspection in good light. Always tortoise, never black. 69 Cable channel routed in Mahogany before top glued on. 70 Truss rod filler strip is Maple. The straight rod channel is cut on a slope, giving Burst's all the neck adjustment needed with smoother adjustment vs curved rod/curved channel. The end strip seen is separate fill strip. Slot is cut down neck in one go. Anchor is a few inches up (under fingerboard around 19th fret). The remaining slot is completely filled with more maple as you see it. Width of that strip is always exact spec. 71 All routes are on angle and not straight flush with top. Body held at angle in jig while routes cut. All these details add up when examining a genuine Burst like this one. |